Cold Laser


Cold Laser therapy is painless and helps the body increase its healing ability.  Laser light penetrates into the tissue and helps increase activity in the mitochondria.  The mitochondria is the powerplant of the cells.  By increasing energy and power in the cells the body is able to healing many times faster.  Results with cold laser are incredible.  Most soft tissue injuries including neuropathy can be helped with this therapy.  Call us now to see if this could help you.

Kuhn Chiropractic offers cutting edge spinal decompression therapy using a state of the art machine.  This is a gentle treatment that aims to rehydrate discs and reverse herniated discs.  Treatment typically lasts around 20 minutes.  Treatments are using prescribed in 10 to 20 sessions depending on the severity of your symptoms.  Many studies show that this therapy can reverse disc herniations and prevent surgery.  

Kuhn Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic

Chiropractic Manipulation


Spinal Decompression Therapy

Chiropractic care focuses on the physical relationship between the musculoskeletal and neurological systems of the body. It is a medication free, safe, nonsurgical science that focuses on decreasing pain and improving your body's ability to heal.

The purpose of chiropractic care is to restore and optimize the function of the nervous system.  The nervous system is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in the body. Over time our bodies experience physical, chemical and emotional stressors that disrupt this neurological network and cause spinal vertebrae to become misaligned. When these misalignments occur, our bodies can’t adapt, heal or perform at their best.

Corrective chiropractic care provides healing without medications or surgery. The chiropractic techniques are safe enough for pregnant women, babies and children, elderly, and those who face significant health challenges. Professional athletes also favor this type of care, because it enhances performance, prevents illness, and provides a faster way to recover from injuries.


Ultrasound Therapy uses sound waves that travel through skin and muscle and create heat in the muscles and joints.  Ultrasound is a very effective therapy that helps decrease swelling, aches and pains, and promotes better circulation and faster healing.  

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical Stimulation is a very safe therapy that utilizes a light electric current to promote muscle contraction.  This therapy helps decrease pain, prevents muscle atrophy, decreases swelling, and promotes healing.

Intersegmental Traction

Intersegmental traction helps increase and restore the natural necessary elasticity and motion of the spine. It is a very relaxing therapy.  The patient lies face up on a table which has warming rollers beneath its surface. These massaging rollers will slowly travel up and down the spine increasing the movement.